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Kahurangi Nelson Rosé 750ml

Subtle berry and rhubarb nose with a hint of elderflower. The off-dry palate is zesty with pleasant crunchy green flavours and a touch of melon.

Kahurangi Pinot Gris 750ml

Luscious and full flavoured with notes of pear, nashi and crushed ripe apple.

Kahurangi Pinot Noir 750ml

Displaying the gentle aromas of plum, cherry and red berry fruit. The mid-weight palate is rich in soft spice - berry flavours underpinned by subtle notes of dry typical French oak.

Kahurangi Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

A lifted tropical nose with hints of lime and gold kiwi, the pallet is well balanced and zesty flavours of orange and mandarin peel make for a wonderfully easy drinking style.

Kendall-Jackson Vintner's Reserve Chardonnay 750ml

Beautifully integrated tropical flavours such as pineapple, mango and papaya, with citrus notes that explode in your mouth. These flavours delicately intertwine with aromas of vanilla and honey to create depth and balance throughout. A hint of toasted oak and butter rounds out the long, lingering finish.

Langmeil Valley Floor Shiraz 750ml

Rich and lifted aromas of Satsuma plum and mulberry mingle with sweet spice, chocolate and savoury notes. Rich, sweet and spicy fruit in balance with soft, velvety tannins. A complex, meduim-bodied wine showing hints of mocha, choc-mint and vanilla, which flow through to the lengthy, fruity, peppery and spicy finish

Laurent-Perrier La Cuvée Brut Champagne Gift Box 750ml

The wine comes from the purest grape juice and it alone allows Laurent-Perrier to craft 'La Cuvée', a champagne of great finesse and a beautiful freshness obtained after a long ageing process in their cellars. Laurent-Perrier's style and personality are defined by its very high proportion of Chardonnay. Purity, freshness and elegance - essential characteristics, expressed in this champagne - are a good introduction to the spirit of the House. A pale gold in colour. Fine bubbles feed a persistent mousse. A delicate nose with hints of fresh citrus and white flowers. The wine's complexity is expressed in successive notes such as vine peach and white fruit notes. A perfect balance between freshness and delicacy with fruity flavours very present on the finish.

Lawson's Dry Hills Estate Chardonnay 750ml

Ripe stone fruits, citrus, brioche, roast cashew and hint of savoury mealiness. The palate is dry and flinty with some lovely fleshiness and weight. Smooth with fresh citrus characters and a warm richness balanced by a crisp acidity.

Lawson's Dry Hills Estate Pinot Gris 750ml

The wine is light straw in colour and offers aromas of red apple, pear, nectarine and nougat. This a very easy to drink wine, smooth and rounded, dry and with medium weight. Crisp and dry, medium weight with a juicy mid-palate and a nice gentle finish. Ripe apple, poached pear and citrus flavours.

Lawson's Dry Hills Estate Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Very pale straw in colour with pronounced lemon and lime and tropical notes of passionfruit and melon. The palate is crisp and elegant with lovely length and concentration. This wine shows lovely clarity with bright fruit and a chalky, dry finish that highlights the mineral tones.

Lawson's Dry Hills Reserve Chardonnay 750ml

The nose shows a lovely complexity with brioche, lemon, subtle floral notes, flint and smoky oak. They palate has a gentle power with lovely focus from the fine, citrussy acidity. The predominant fruit character is lemon which is overlaid with chary French oak and mealy, wild ferment characters.

Leefield Station Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

From the makers of The Ned and The King Series, named after the iconic Leefield Station.
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