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Sheep Dog Peanut Butter Whiskey 1 Litre

Produced in the USA, this flavoured whiskey is bursting with natural peanut butter flavours, notes of vanilla and caramel popcorn with warm whiskey undertones. Delicious neat or on the rocks, as a chilled shot, or a nutty twist on a classic cocktail, like the peanut butter espresso martini.

Sheep Dog Peanut Butter Whiskey 200ml

Produced in the USA, this flavoured whiskey is bursting with natural peanut butter flavours, notes of vanilla and caramel popcorn with warm whiskey undertones. Delicious neat or on the rocks, as a chilled shot, or a nutty twist on a classic cocktail, like the peanut butter espresso martini.

Sheep Dog Peanut Butter Whiskey 200ml

Produced in the USA, this flavoured whiskey is bursting with natural peanut butter flavours, notes of vanilla and caramel popcorn with warm whiskey undertones. Delicious neat or on the rocks, as a chilled shot, or a nutty twist on a classic cocktail, like the peanut butter espresso martini.

Sheep Dog Peanut Butter Whiskey 50ml

Produced in the USA, this flavoured whiskey is bursting with natural peanut butter flavours, notes of vanilla and caramel popcorn with warm whiskey undertones. Delicious neat or on the rocks, as a chilled shot, or a nutty twist on a classic cocktail, like the peanut butter espresso martini.

Sheep Dog Peanut Butter Whiskey 700ml

Produced in the USA, this flavoured whiskey is bursting with natural peanut butter flavours, notes of vanilla and caramel popcorn with warm whiskey undertones. Delicious neat or on the rocks, as a chilled shot, or a nutty twist on a classic cocktail, like the peanut butter espresso martini.

Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey 50ml

The Original Peanut Butter Whisky in the U.S. Skrewball represents the perfect ratio of salty and sweet. It's rich, indulgent and always smooth. Perfect for drinking neat, create your own favourite cocktails or over ice cream!

Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey 750ml

The Original Peanut Butter Whisky in the U.S. Skrewball represents the perfect ratio of salty and sweet. It's rich, indulgent and always smooth. Perfect for drinking neat, create your own favourite cocktails or over ice cream!

Slane Triple Cask Irish Whiskey 700ml

Smooth, complex and robust. An Irish whiskey as uncommon as its surroundings and colourful history, each drop presents an opportunity to uncover yet another subtle layer of its full bodied character.

Suntory Whisky Toki 700ml

This is a round and sweet blend with a refreshing citrus character and a spicy finish.

Talisker 10YO Single Malt 700ml

A classic Island whisky from the oldest distillery in Skye that delivers a rich dried-fruit sweetness, with strong barley-malt flavours and a peaty, peppery finish.

Talisker Storm Single Malt 700ml

Produced at the oldest distillery on the Isle of Skye, Talisker Storm Single Malt Scotch Whisky has been made by the sea since 1830, with its smell and taste instantly connecting you to its rugged maritime home. Every sip is a taste of the Isle of Skye itself, one of the most remote, rugged, yet beautiful landscapes in Scotland. Talisker Storm is a dark, smoky, more brooding member of the Talisker family, with notes of wood, brine and spice that puts you right at the heart of a storm at sea. Talisker Storm is a perfect gift for adorers of Talisker, looking to explore depth of smoky, spicy quality.

Tamnavulin Double Cask Single Malt 700ml

Matured in American oak barrels for a sweet, mellow taste with a rich, smooth Sherry cask finish. Rich, warm aromas of apple, toffee and honey with sweet marzipan and subtle tangy marmalade notes. Fresh, mellow with pear creamy peaches and pineapple and a hint of Demerara sugar on the palate.
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