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The Ned Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Right in the heart of the magical Waihopai Valley, a million miles from anywhere, lies The Ned, one of Marlborough's most famous peaks. The Ned Sauvignon Blanc - Punchy aromatics of lemon and lime citrus with undertones of juicy tropical fruits, fill the nose. Plush on the palate, showing juicy grapefruit freshness with lively acidity carrying these classical Waihopai Valley characters to a lengthy finish.

Theory & Practice Chardonnay 750ml

Ripe nectarine and peach notes on the nose. The palate is full bodied and rich with a broad, slippery texture. Browned butter, toasted cashed and canned peach notes all add interest. The finish is long and rich.

Theory & Practice Pinot Gris 750ml

Rich notes of tropical fruits that span the spectrum from apricot to pineapple. There is also lifted floral and citrus note, similar to orange blossom, which adds delicacy and fineness. The palate is full bodied and rich with a very plush texture. Palate flavours of canned peach and suggestions of Turkish Delight all contribute interest.

Theory & Practice Syrah 750ml

A complex savoury nose with fruit characters of plum and blackberry. The palate is full bodied and rich with a meaty and earthy complexity. The spice notes are from both the fruit-five spice and black pepper and the newer barrels. The texture on the palate is from supple front palate grape skin tannins. These tannins help balance the fruit richness and give the wine structure without contributing hardness.

Thorn-Clarke Sandpiper Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Deep red purple colour while aromas of blackcurrant and mocha fill the glass, with hints of rosemary and five spice. The palate follows through with blackcurrant and is complimented by notes of ripe plums and spice.

Tohu Awatere Valley Pinot Gris 750ml

This fruit-driven Pinot Gris from Marlborough's Awatere Valley displays bright aromas of orange blossom and juicy pear. On the palate flavours of fresh quince and crisp golden apple blend seamlessly with hints of sweet spice. With integrated fine phenolics and smooth acidity this is a fresh and richly textured wine with a long and lingering finish.

Tohu Awatere Valley Pinot Noir 750ml

A bright ruby hue in the glass, this Awatere Valley Pinot Noir displays aromatic layers of red fruit and spicy florals with hints of crushed herbs. The palate is smoothly textured with flavours of bright cherry, red berries and finely integrated French oak. Mid-weight on the palate, this wine is balanced with refined silky tannins that lead to a long and elegant finish.

Tohu Awatere Valley Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Sourced entirely from vineyards located in Southern Marlborough's spectacular Awatere Valley, this vibrant wine displays aromas of citrus zest and vibrant tropical fruit with notes of fresh spring herbs complemented with hints of orange blossom and lemongrass. The palate is layered with flavours of juicy ripe lemon and lime, sweet fresh pineapple and crunchy green apple. This seamless wine has outstanding fruit concentration and a zesty underlying minerality that leads to a pure, lively and focused dry finish.

Tohu Nelson Chardonnay 750ml

This Nelson Chardonnay displays vibrant aromas of bright citrus zest, ripe stonefruit and subtle hints of warm, spicy French oak. On the palate flavours of white peach, ginger, juicy grapefruit and notes of toasted nut take this medium bodied and elegantly textured wine to a lusciously long and persistent finish.

Tohu Nelson Rosé 750ml

A delicate rose-gold hue in the glass, this luminous Nelson Rosé displays bright aromas of red pear and crushed cranberry. The vibrant palate of pink plum and ripe citrus is underpinned with notes of fresh fig and a subtle hint of crab-apple. With just a touch of balancing sweetness this delightfully vibrant and fresh Rosé has a wonderfully long, luscious and persistent finish.

Tohu Rewa Blanc de Blancs Méthode Traditionnelle 750ml

This traditionally made wine displays lifted aromas of bright citrus fruit, crisp fresh apples and refined touches of brioche and toasted hazelnut. Extended lees aging in the bottle has resulted in a wine that displays a fine, persistent bead and rich, creamy mousse. Finely balanced with a touch of minerality, this wine leads to an elegant, long and crisp dry finish.

Tohu Rewa Rosé Méthode Traditionnelle 750ml

A delicate soft salmon pink in the glass, this complex yet elegant Méthode Traditionnelle Rosé displays fresh strawberry, hints of ripe stonefruit and underlying notes of brioche and toasted hazelnut. The fine persistent bead and creamy mousse lead to a rich and weighty palate balanced with focused acidity and biscuity complexity derived from yeast autolysis. Elegant integration of primary fruit flavours derived from Pinot Noir grapes lead this generous and rounded wine to a smooth, lively and lingering finish.
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